Bid Topics

This page displays the Bid's Description, Commodity Producer, a Submission Indicator, and a List of Offers created for this Bid.

There may be one or more of the following options available for this Bid:

This page displays the Bid's Description and a Submission Indicator, and a List of Offers created for this Bid.

There may be one or more of the following options available for this Bid:

While viewing a Rfp or list of Rfp's and a Create button/icon is available, you may create a new Bid for the viewed Rfp. After choosing Create, an editable page will be presented that will allow the Bid's values to be entered and saved. Save the new Bid with the Save button/icon. Cancel the Bid creation with the Cancel button/icon.

While viewing a Rfp or list of Rfp's and a Copy button/icon is available, a previously created Bid may be copied to the currently viewed Rfp. After choosing to copy a Bid, a list of previously created Bids, if any, will be presented. Select the desired Bid to copy and press the Copy button/icon to create the new Bid. Cancel the Bid copy with the Cancel button/icon.

This is a list of Bids for a specific Rfp. The Bid description and a submission indicator will be displayed for each Bid. Additionally, you may be given one or more of the following options.

The Print Bid page contains a detailed display of the Bid's information and all Offer details. Each offer's attached document will be listed, but will require separate printing sessions. Each document must be opened individually and printed from within the designated viewing application. The page is designed to fit on standard size copy paper and will not appear properly on smaller devices.

There are known issues when printing Bids with multiple Offers on Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome. If a printing problem is encountered, using Mozilla Firefox may correct the issue.

While viewing a Bid or list of Bid's and an Edit button/icon is available, you may edit the Bid. After choosing Edit, an editable page will be presented that will allow the Bid's values to be changed. Changing a Bid will un-submit the Bid, if applicable. Save the changes with the Save button/icon. Cancel the changes with the Cancel button/icon.

While viewing a Bid or list of Bid's on a Rfp and a Delete button/icon is available, you may delete the viewed Bid. After choosing Delete, a confirmation page will be presented that will allow the Bid to be deleted. Deleting a Bid will also delete any Offers and associated attachments, additionally the Bid will be un-submitted, if applicable. Delete the Bid with the Delete button/icon. Cancel the Bid deletion with the Cancel button/icon.

While viewing a Bid or list of Bid's and a Submit button/icon is available, the Bid may be submitted for consideration. After choosing Submit, the Bid and Offer details will be presented along with any error messages that will prevent the Bid from being submitted. If there are no errors the Submit button/icon will be available. Submit the Bid to place it into a submitted status allowing it to be considered after the Rfp closing date. A successful submission will generate an acknowledgment email to the submitting account's email address. Cancel the submission with the Cancel button/icon.

Rfp Topics
Offer Topics
Support Topics